Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Bloggie Giveaway!

Bloggy Giveaways Quarterly Carnival Button

So, place a comment below with the subject of ART. I don't want to simply hear you are not artistic. So, what. If you enjoy art, tell me why. If you'd like to paint by numbers, cool talk about it. If when you look at an image you love you get goosebumps, tell us. And, I'll pick a random winner to receive an 8 x 10 print of your choice from my shoppie

The winner will be chosen on April 27th. Make sure to have a blog or leave an email addy so that I may contact you.


Thanks so much for participating and good luck!


Kristen M. said...

I believe that creating art means getting messy. I more goo on my hands or paint on my arms, the better.

Diana H said...

I like paintings. I got my husband to go with me to the museum of art to look at them, and I was surprised he went and even more surprised that he liked doing it.

ali said...

i love photography. the kind that involves chemicals and darkrooms and that smell. it's hard to find anymore.

Anonymous said...

Art was my best and favorite subject in school but I guess over the years my creativity got "zapped". Which is sad. I miss being able to draw and paint. I used to draw very well.

I love photography. In a way that is art too. Once day I'd love to turn my love of photography into something MORE then a hobby.

I can be reached at the URL attached to my name. THANKS!

Gina said...

I find Art to be calming and fun, I love doing art activities with the girls, its just fun, not serious. My husband is an artist, i'd love to get him back into it with the girls, they'd love to paint with him.

Thanks for the giveaway!!!

pinkgingham said...

You have beautiful items! I don't think I am artistic in the "normal" way but I think what I do today is my own form of art! Thanks for the fun giveaway!

Danielle said...

I am not a artist, but I love art. Not typical sold in big box store art, but art that touches you when you see it. It calls to me...please hang me in your home. I love to find local artists. I like the feeling that not everyone has that piece in their home.


Anonymous said...

I adore doing art with my kids. Watching them create and how deliberate they are. I wish that I were as deliberate and uninhibited about my art now as they are.

bethany said...

Love your shop-I really like the Magnum print...I like to appreciate other people's art--don't have much artistic talent myself.

Unknown said...

I love photography, painting, and a whole mess of other things. I was always engrossed in art. I was always the "best" artist in school, always told I was great, blah blah blah...then I went to art school, and everyone was better than me and I pretty much lost my desire. Then I had my kids, and my drive came back suddenly, so I'm just sort of starting over and not really doing it for anyone else this time around.

Anyhoo, I adore your work and would love to have a piece!

wiredalive at hotmail dot com

Becca Mae said...

My idea of art is coloring with my kiddos. We love to color. I even bought them the 96-count pack of Crayola's with the sharpener in the back. Oh yeah baby, we are high class here!

Karlene said...

I like simple art, like what you've done. I also like James Christensen with all the different things in his paintings. I used to tole paint, which is sort of like paint by numbers, but I was never any good at other types of painting. You can contact me through the e-mail button on my blog. Thanks for offering the giveaway. --Karlene

Deanne said...

I love your creations! They are fabulous!!! Great giveaway...sure hope I win! :)

My art is making cards with rubber stamping. I love to get inspiration from surprise sources (like a t-shirt I once bought that had a nifty print on the front) as well as just playing around with my materials. Every once in a while I get the urge to sit down and just be creative instead of 'mommy!'. :)

HilLesha O'Nan said...

I used to be really good at art, but over the years, I'm not really good at it anymore. However, I love to look at art. My favorite artist is Leonardo da Vinci. I have this antique book filled with his art. :)

Katy said...

I LOVE to paint...although don't have much time since having my kiddos...but I used to paint a lot in high school. I really enjoy blending colors and just creaing something! I also enjoy using chalk to draw with.

julie said...

I too am an artist that worked for many years with decorators and million dollar homes..left the business because I lost the love of painting...when my daughter became ill....I found it again..love painting daily

michelle said...

The thing that always got me about the way some kids are taught art in schools, is that a lot of them just do crafts. Art study may occur while doing crafts, but crafts aren't necessarily doing art. Even the youngest students can learn the elements and principles of art (colour, line shape, etc. and how they work together in a composition).

I have tried to develop an extensive home library of books on art, artists, and art history, that I study with my kids. I also give them the opportunity to explore with a variety of techniques and materials. They don't have to like every medium they use, but I would like them to at least try it.

I would love to be entered in your giveaway.

michelle (at) northofthe49 (dot) com

Bonita said...

I'm just starting nature journaling which is a big stretch for me because I really prefer to do hands-on projects over drawing. My son is a great artist. He draws really well and started oil painting at age 9.

I stopped by your store and really liked what I saw. Unique and beautiful!

Stacy said...

my husband and I used to paint together when we were without the baby. He does my realism and I just painted abstract. But he did paint a huge painting of Buddha that hangs in our living room that freaks out our parents.

Amanda said...

my artisiness is "crafting". i love the art of yarn work and sewing...amazing to watch things take on a beautiful shape!

theyakmom AT yahoo DOT com

Unknown said...

I don't have an artistic bone in my body, so anyone who can create, I'm in awe of. I LOVE seeing things people have created, paintings, sculptures, it doesn't matter. Makes me a bit jealous! lol.

Julie Donahue said...

My kids are really developing some artistic talent. Especially my 10 year old. I want to encourage it. I never felt like I was any good, so I never really tried.

Nicol said...

I am not good at painting but I love looking. I love museums and try to take my dd to them. I love the pictures that you seem to relate to the content or when you see the fine details. I love the impressionistic artists like Van Gogh, Monet, Degas.

Roxy said...

I love to color and I make jewelry.

flmom said...

I enjoy photography. Granted I'm not very good, but I enjoy it anyway. Capturing that moment and being able to relive it over and over - priceless!

Stephanie said...

I love looking at all kinds of art! Paintings, photographs, my little kids doodles..it is all so special and beautiful. I love your art too. I would love to win a print!!

She Became a Butterfly said...

i love morphans and morphanism as well as boo bird.


Please enter my giveaway:
It's lonely!

Claire Roach said...

Art is a pretty broad topic, eh? :) My favorite art form is music. I play the harp and piano and love to listen to people perform on these 2 instruments. I have a greater appreciation for people who excel at something that I have tried my own hand at because then I know how skillful they really are!

Stephanie said...

New Morpholution Supa Sized - I absolutely loved this. It's beautiful. Thank you so much.

Christi said...

How I miss my art classes! I only took a few, but I had soo much fun. Its a major de-stresser for me. i have a little project comming up to pain my mailbox with Polka Spots...maybe I will get that done on a day I need to express myself.

Sweetpeas said...

I can't draw/paint/etc to save my soul, but I've always loved to color & in the last couple years I've enjoyed making jewelry and such.

Anonymous said...

I love taking pictures... and I love sewing, which I feel is a form of art. As a costume designer I would like to improve my drawing abilities.

rccalyn said...

I wish I had the money to buy art pieces for every wall of my house. I especially love really modern abstract prints, but lately I've been more drawn to the vintage nature patterns. Weird, huh?(slwilkins05@yahoo.com)

Lalycairn said...

I love photography. I also believe that creating great food is an art. And the paintings that give me goosebumps are by Van Gogh.

Anonymous said...

I'd happily crayon my way through a few coloring books as long as no one realized I was 31...

brooke said...

I doodle on everything... and I have since I was little. You'd think I would have grown up to be a painter or some sort of artist, but I still just doodle. I do make lots of stuff... earrings, magnets, beanies, greeting cards, etc. I "hearted" you on Etsy!

Alison said...

I liked oil painting in high school, but have never thought of myself as particularly artistic. I do like going to museums and seeing cool art in other people's houses, so I'd love one of your prints.

Leigh said...

I am an artist in my own mind and I figure that is the only place that it really counts at! I especially love watercolor and oils.

I am very excited because I am about to try my hand at Gocco!

Unknown said...

I aspire to be more of a photographer. I enjoy it when I do it, I just need to get over my inhibitions!!

Anonymous said...

I am not good at the traditional types of art; painting, drawing, etc. I am good at collage and scrapbooking, though.

zoetrope2000 at gmail dot com

Debbie#3 said...

I do a lot of cross stitch which I think counts more as craft, than art. But I love scenic art - nature, trees, oceans, that kind of stuff. When there are people in the picture, I find myself wondering who they are, and how they ended up in the picture, or looking the way they do. Too much distraction for me.

Christie said...

I love photography, and any art by Edmund Blair Leighton! You do beautiful work!

Christie said...

I love photography, and any art by Edmund Blair Leighton! You do beautiful work!

Kinslee said...

I love to be artistic and creative. Painting is one of my Favorite things to do now that I have Three Kids I don't get much time to do it but I love how Peaceful it is. My new Favorite artistic thing to do is take creative photos of my three boys it is sooooooo much fun to try a get good shots.

Anonymous said...

I love photography, but my true love is sewing... I consider that an art, I guess. It involves color, texture, shape, design. We were at the National Museum of Art the other day and it was amazing!

Anonymous said...

I have several "starving artists" in my family (well, some are not so starving), so i've always been surrounded by it. My home is full of original artwork - some created just for me! My favorite is a watercolor my aunt did for me when I graduated college. It reminds me of how hard I worked.

Jhianna said...

I'm working on fiber art things (tapestry, weaving, knitting). That's about the extent of my artistic abilities.

Anonymous said...

I love many different art forms. My oldest daughter is an upcoming artist who draws and paints. I have many of her paintings around my house. She's hoping to sell them someday. I like to doodle, but I'm more talented with words or crafting. :)

Great giveaway. :)

Kyra said...

I'm good at quilting, I think that's a form of art and self expression. Great giveaway!

Debbie said...

I love framing my kid's art and hanging it. Makes them so proud and me so happy. Best art in our house!!

PS said...

Kids see completely differently than us and I love that they can express it in art. I teach kids photography and the shoot simple things in the most amazing ways.

Marcia said...

I love classic French painters, my favorite of which is Manet (not Monet, MAnet). A more recent painter I've discovered is Josephine Wall. Her paintings captivate my attention with the amount of detail she manages to work into it. I love the one called Spirit of Flight the most.

Here's a url for it:

noreen said...

I love impressionism, I saw a show as a child and it has been a favorite ever since. I am artisic through knitting, sewing and crochet, I can't draw :)

Anonymous said...

I love the art experience with kids. I used to teach elementary school & now I stay home with a 2 year old... I love the way he explores the media, the way he gets into it with his whole body. And the amazing thing is, some of his paintings are really beautiful! We have one framed in our entry, along with an abstract that I did several years ago and a more traditional painting that his father did. So we're all artists (amateur, but we're comfortable with that *grin*) in our house!

fizzledink AT gmail DOT com

Anonymous said...

I love the art experience with kids. I used to teach elementary school & now I stay home with a 2 year old... I love the way he explores the media, the way he gets into it with his whole body. And the amazing thing is, some of his paintings are really beautiful! We have one framed in our entry, along with an abstract that I did several years ago and a more traditional painting that his father did. So we're all artists (amateur, but we're comfortable with that *grin*) in our house!

fizzledink AT gmail DOT com

World's Greatest Mommy said...

Okay, I say I love abstract art, but that's mostly because I can't draw my way out of a paper bag.

I love Monet and actually got to visit his home in France when I was in high school. His garden made me realize how he could paint such vivid scenes. They were breathtaking.

Becky N. said...

The art class I took in High School was one of my favorites. I did a stippled drawing (millions of dots and nothing else, for anyone who doesn't know) of a lion resting on a tree branch. I love it...and I have it hanging on my living room wall, 10 years later!

MorethanMommy said...

I enjoy bookbinding, paper making and other paper arts. I wish-oh-wish-oh-wish I could paint or draw better than a 5th grader. And sing, but that isn't really relevant!

Skye said...

In school I was great at art. I still have a closet full of art supplies, I just like I have lost it over the years. I love doing little crafty things with my kids though!

Unknown said...

I do my own form of art by turn old t-shirts into something new like purses, rugs, a ring or even a new t-shirt. I also like to make little critters from fleece to decorate t-shirts and bags.

Scarlett said...

I love to paint happy monsters for my niece's room.

Sarah said...

I used to think I was completely art-challenged until I took a humanities class in college where I had to mimic art styles of the artists we were studying. I loved the Jackson Pollack section. That was the most fun art adventure. My husband and I are really picky about art...it has to have meaning to us. We really like Sam Flores' "Green" and also "white." They're just beautiful. Awesome giveaway!!!

The Milkshake said...

I love to draw and water color trees... the lines, colors and shapes !
I just adore your trees and birds!


Laurel said...

after more than two decades of thinking i wasn't artistic, i've discovered that i really am. i love the way colors can come together and evoke emotions... or how a simple line can change everything. i've been experimenting with design and color for a while now, and love working on new projects.

i have a tendency to play it really safe, because my drawing skills are not up to where i'd like them to be, but i just finished a three-canvas-set of a blossoming branch for our bedroom. and i love it. when i walk into the room, i just get such a sense of accomplishment and serenity and joy. can't beat that!!

Anonymous said...

GREAT giveaway!
Art...well lets see. I have always wanted to do a lot of different things. I have tried clay modeling, wow those were fun but weird. I lack the discipline that it takes to really learn something. OR maybe I don't have the true desire to. I certainly enjoy others art. I would like to learn how to sculpt and draw. Your art is beautiful.

Hey, if you have a chance, please stop by and visit my contest page too!

my email is:
racoo.smith at gmail dot com

Thanks and have a lovely day!

The Chatty Housewife said...

I love doodling and one of the things I want to do soon is a paint by number. It would be really cool to eventually get some canvases and make some art for my house. Thank you for the giveaway, it's great! I would love to win. nw_wife(at)hotmail(dot)com

AudreyO said...

My daughter and I are non-artistic to the extreme. All people take the same stick shape as do all animals.

frugallm said...

My form of art is Music! I love to paint if something is already drawn there for me.

Ginny said...

I love art, I really have no idea why. I just really enjoy it.

Dawn said...

I believe there are many ways to be creative and artistic. Drawing chalk pictures on the driveway, whipping up something for dinner when there is really nothing much in the pantry, but my absolute favorite way to be creative is when I am scrapbooking the wonderful memories for our family.

Thanks for the giveaway!
dburdenbates (at) gmail (dot) com

BTW, your art is amazing!!!!!

groovyinclinations said...

I just wanted to thank everyone so far for the sweet comments. I agree that art can be in anything. I really love to see people being creative. :)

Anonymous said...

I have always been a pencil drawing artist. I did so many in high school. Now in my 40-ish years I would love to try watercolor. My hands are just not steady enough to draw anymore.

katklaw777 said...

when i make my jewelry, i feel like i am making little works of art. each unique and special. thnx for an artsy giveawat. katklaw777(at)yahoo(dot)com

M said...

I used to love to draw but after my son was born, I pretty much stopped. Well, now he loves to draw, I don't know how I did it but I passed it on to him.

I love art because it makes me SEE.

mdvanzant at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

When I was a kid I wanted to be an artist when I grew up :) I kind of am, on the computer anyway. I create custom photo cards and I LOVE doing it!

Meredith A. said...

I am hoping to fill our new baby's nursery with lots of art. I think it is so stimulating for children. Not just typical nursery stuff, but all types of art!

Elena said...

I took an art history class in college and developed a fascination for Hieronymus Bosch. I don't think I'd ever display one of his painting but they sure are interesting (and weird!) to look at. Thanks for the contest!

Anonymous said...

Although I'm far from artsy, I like to look at other people's art and see their creativity and the world through their eyes.

Keryn said...

I love pottery. I'm not very good at it, but making bowls and vases and stuff is so fun, and relaxing! My email addy is in my blogger profile, in case I win!

Anonymous said...

I'm an artist in different venues such as paint-by-number, freehand oil painting, and now I've been able to combine several of my hobbies into one business. I create handmade flower seed note cards & customized flower seed packets for any business or personal event! My hobbies of computer, photography, gardening and secretarial are what make up Backyard Beauties.

Superdumb Supervillain said...

I love Maven. Art adds beauty to life.

Jodi said...

Your prints are wonderful! Thanks for sharing them! The only art I feel I am truly talented in is jewelry design. I love it. I also like to paint abstract paintings. I consider myself more crafty than artistic, but I love it.

Meg said...

I used to not think I was that "in" to art. I didn't understand it, but realized I was making it all too complicated. I now love art b/c I choose to look at what makes me happy or feel something. period. Your work is
A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!! I really like your nature themes. Thanks!!

Shama-Lama Mama said...

I love art but was never good at it. I have really learned to love photography because I can see things in nature, or life, and capture it on film (ok, now on disc) without having to draw it or paint it or carve it or whatever. Its a great medium for folks who can't MAKE art with their hands. They can use their eye instead.

Re said...

Great giveaway! I hope i'm the lucky winner! :)

Art develops a creative mind..the mor ecreative you are the more you tend to think outside of the box

Anonymous said...

My favorite medium was pen and ink...back in the day...

Tamara (AK)
mrshuntinak AT msn DOT com

Erica G said...

I am creative, but not necessarally an artist. I love to do scrapbooking and take pictures.

egreca [at] hotmail [dot] com

Rockin' Mama said...

I actually like taking photographs...not staged but candid...artistic shots...I'm hoping to make this a hobby of sorts...
